Locktenders Tribute Monument…more… Freedom Crossing Monument goes to the movies and New York State Visitor Center more…. Geissler to create Pfc. Charles N. DeGlopper portrait sculpture - more… C. Wade McClusky dedication - more… Cultural Tourism - more… Susan Geissler awarded the Newmark Award in New York City…more JCC acquisition of The Butterfly…more “Sunday with Jessie” purchased…more “Sunday with Jessie” wins the People”s Choice Award in Sioux Falls SD…more Presentation at Niagara University .more Sunday with Jessie...more Unveiling and dedication of Tuscarora Heroes Monument in Lewiston New York December 19th 2013...more New series of bronze busts from THM, Freedom Crossing Monument...more
© Susan Geissler 2021 Built by andrephoto.com
Susan Geissler
Public and Monumental Sculptures
Maquettes and Small Lifesize
2 Dimensional
"Beauty is an antidote for the pressures and stresses of life. It has a special generosity because it is right there and available to your senses."


Looking to commission a work of art? Contact us to discuss your ideas or to arrange a monument or Studio visit.

Happenings / News


Susan Geissler began her art career in 1984, after schooling in Fine Arts, and working as an

anatomical illustrator, graphic designer and art history researcher. Between 1984-1989, Susan's work

was seen and enjoyed by millions of people at top outdoor art events around the United States.

Currently, she confines the showing of her artwork primarily to galleries, plus occasional commercial

events and print advertising. The scores of commissions, awards and prizes accorded her work have

contributed to her growing reputation, and have stamped her as one of the premier designers of

human figures in the United States. Susan considers her studio a small outpost of quality, integrity

and love of the sculptural science. From this workplace in a small Western New York village, after

intense research and anatomical study, several lovingly rendered pieces per year emerge--some

exploding with dazzling motion...some resting quietly, but exuding the soft, gentle, whimsical

emotion that is a hallmark of her work.

Locktenders Tribute Monument…more… Freedom Crossing Monument goes to the movies and New York State Visitor Center more…. Geissler to create Pfc. Charles N. DeGlopper portrait sculpture - more… C. Wade McClusky dedication - more… Cultural Tourism - more… Susan Geissler awarded the Newmark Award in New York City…more JCC acquisition of The Butterfly…more “Sunday with Jessie” purchased…more “Sunday with Jessie” wins the People”s Choice Award in Sioux Falls SD…more Presentation at Niagara University .more Sunday with Jessie...more Unveiling and dedication of Tuscarora Heroes Monument in Lewiston New York December 19th 2013...more New series of bronze busts from THM, Freedom Crossing Monument...more
© Susan Geissler 2021 Built by andrephoto.com
Susan Geissler
"Beauty is an antidote for the pressures and stresses of life. It has a special generosity because it is right there and available to your senses."
Public and Monumental Sculptures
Maquettes and Small Lifesize
2 Dimensional


Looking to commission a work of art? Contact us to discuss your ideas or to arrange a monument or Studio visit.

Happenings / News


Susan Geissler began her art career in 1984, after schooling in Fine Arts,

and working as an anatomical illustrator, graphic designer and art history

researcher. Between 1984-1989, Susan's work was seen and enjoyed by millions

of people at top outdoor art events around the United States. Currently, she

confines the showing of her artwork primarily to galleries, plus occasional

commercial events and print advertising. The scores of commissions, awards and

prizes accorded her work have contributed to her growing reputation, and have

stamped her as one of the premier designers of human figures in the United

States. Susan considers her studio a small outpost of quality, integrity and love

of the sculptural science. From this workplace in a small Western New York

village, after intense research and anatomical study, several lovingly rendered

pieces per year emerge--some exploding with dazzling motion...some resting

quietly, but exuding the soft, gentle, whimsical emotion that is a hallmark of

her work.